Friday, September 21, 2012

NEW Crochet Magazine! Crochet 1-2-3 at Walmart Great price!

Great price!

Just found out from Crochet Concupiscence there's a new crochet magazine that just came out this week! 

It's called Crochet 1-2-3. I don't know a lot about it. I think it's sold only only through Wal-mart or by subscription. This is good news for the crochet world!

Can't wait to check it out! You can sign up at the website for their newsletter and for a subscription. 

Walmart used to carry my booklets, Crochet in Style and Crochet Young and Trendy, but I haven't seen them there for a while. Those kinds of booklets (6-7 designs in each) only stay in the stores for about 2 yrs but they can still be ordered from the publisher or other places online.