Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Knitted Chair and Ottoman

For Sale Here
 Don't you just LOVE this chair? If you're a fan of cables in knitting and crochet you will want one! I'd love to have one but it would have to be just part of my decor. I probably wouldn't let anyone sit on it because of the color. Can you imagine trying to keep it clean? The creator of this fabulous set has her own Etsy shop here: Check out her other items! She also sells patterns

Lynn Garnett's Etsy Shop
           Quote from the designer, Lynn Garnett,  who lives in South Africa
"I knit with multiple strands of wool and huge needles to create giant over sized knitting. I love to knit anything from big objects such as ottoman and armchair slip covers, to smaller and sillier leg warmers for chairs!."

Ottoman is also for sale Here

1 comment:

  1. I didn't even know something like this could be made. I wonder how long it takes to finish.

    Looks professionally made.
