Friday, October 28, 2011

Two Color Scarf by Mary Jane Hall - Recently Published

I'm excited to share a photo of one of my scarf designs that was recently published in a book called Go Crafty Crochet Accessories. In fact I have 2 scarf designs in this book. The first one is a scarf with small circles, not much bigger than a quarter, called the Two Color Scarf. The second design is a Lavender Flower Scarf with Dark Purple Trim. I will feature that scarf in a separate post. The publisher is Soho Publishing in New York City, which is the same publisher of Vogue Knitting and Knit Simple magazines. They also used to produce Crochet Today! magazine.

Photo from the Book (scroll down to see front cover)
My artist daughter, Jamie Vaduva, did a sketch of a scarf with circles about 5 years ago and this year was the first time I submitted it to anyone. I really liked Jamie's color combination, which was more of a medium green and medium blue. After my submission was accepted, the editor wanted me to do the scarf in the light teal, and lime green, as pictured in the photo above. When she sent me the yarn, I didn't like the color combination at all, but as I made the scarf it started to grow on me. I really do like it now and hope you do too! If you'd like to order this book with 11-12 accessories (scarves, hats, bags, wrist warmers), you can order it at Knit Picks here. Go to Knit Picks homepage to see their beautiful, but inexpensive yarns.

This Accessory book is sold at Knits Picks
Another view of scarf in the book

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