Thursday, March 3, 2011

Crochet Flamie Award Nominees for 2010

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It's that time of year! I was awarded the Flamie award for "Best Crochet Pattern of the Year" in 2008 for my book, Crochet That Fits. I found out I had won while I was recuperating in the hospital after having emergency esophagus surgery. I was in the hospital for 16 days (March 09') and Mary Beth Temple had to interview me on "Getting Loopy", while I was on Morphine and in my hospital gown! I was a little nervous to be live on the air, while on medication, but was thrilled for the great honor. I believe my book won because of the new method I came up with that shows you how to make fitted, shaped, & flattering crochet garments and accessories without having to use any increases or decreases. I called it my Graduated Stitch Method. There are people all over the country (and world) writing me almost daily saying they made a garment for the first time ever and it was easy and fits perfectly. This is what the book is all about and it thrills me!

Click on the photo (left) to be directed to Amazon where you can read a description about the book and to see some of the projects in the book If you are a member of Ravelry, go to my page there to see most of my designs in the book. You'll see other people's projects made from my designs as well.


  1. Congrats on the Award, it is always an honor to to have your hard work appreciated. :)

  2. Congrats on the award as well as being brave enough to do the interview in that condition! I'm nominated for a Flamie this year under best crochet blogs along with some other great bloggers.

  3. Congratulations Mary Jane… the award is well deserved! And Congrats to CrochetBlogger for the nomination. Good luck! Keep up the great job you both do for the art of crochet!
