Saturday, January 22, 2011

Life and Crochet by Judy Drewett

I'm excited to share a short essay written by my sister, Judy Drewett. As a matter of fact, I liked it so much that I had it published in my book, Positively Crochet!, so some of you may have already read it. It could easily have been overlooked though because it's at the very back of the book. I'm very proud of my sister. Learning to crochet (as a lefty) and being excited about it is what inspired her to write this  piece.  Her experiences while teaching kindergarten for 35 years, and her driven, enthusiastic personality is what helped her to achieve her dream of becoming an author of children's books. The name of her first book is "Til The Cows Come Home", and you can find it at her website:,, or Any major book store can ORDER it. It's a really cute story that teaches a lesson about life, and I'm sure your child would enjoy it! Thank you for always being there for me, Judy!

                                       Life and Crochet 
by Judy Drewett

Life is an intricate pattern, a myriad of stitches, woven one day at a time.  We anxiously begin our design with a chain of well intentions, dreaming of the product yet to evolve.  In the beginning we are full of tension, creating needless wasted energy.  As we learn to relax, we feel a surprising tranquility needed to acquire the joy for the journey.

 Life is wonderful until we hit a snag or a knot along the way. We struggle and fight.  Then we realize we must slowly work through problems and sometimes have to start over.  We want to quit, but we pick ourselves up and continue, realizing that mistakes teach us patience, and patience brings about worthwhile satisfaction.  Sometimes we forget or refuse to ask for help, and we find ourselves decreasing, when we should be increasing in our abilities.
Yes, life is an intricate and sometimes difficult pattern with road blocks along the way.  But we must have faith and belief that when worked with determination and confidence, the end result will be heavenly!

 Judy Drewett (Mary Jane Hall's sister)

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