Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Featured Crocheter & Designer, Nina O'Brien, from Ireland

I love meeting crocheters from all over the world, and the Knit and Crochet Community, Ravelry, has made that possible for everyone! My very first featured crocheter & designer is Nina O'Brien. Read about her below and go to her blog to find out more. She is definitely one of the nicest persons I've met on Ravelry! Thanks! Mary Jane

Nina O'Brien (known as Neen on Ravelry)

Nina's husband is an artist and he did this sketch of her. Isn't he talented?

My name is Nina O’Brien, I am 26years old (some days I feel like I'm 36;~) ) and I'm living in Galway Ireland.- I have been crocheting for over 3 years - I started the first stitchnbitch group in Galway and so far we have over 50 members that come and go - I also design my own patterns and teach others to crochet, when not crafting I work full time as an activity coordinator for the elderly, I am living with my husband and two pretty kitties and one day would love to own my own craft shop.

Things that make me happy:
• Crochet, yarn anything crafty!!
• Warn towels
• Scented candles
• Feeling the rain fall on my skin
• Flowers
• Lazy Sundays
• Bubble baths
• Old / New book smell
• Clipping other people’s finger and toe nails! (I’m a freak) ;)
Here's a link to Neen's blog LINKY ( she has a beautiful blog! You'll see what I mean)
Some of Nina's designs
Nina's review of Crochet That Fits
I first saw Crochet that fits, in August 2010 - I was looking through random patterns and found the Flared Tweed Hat, as soon as I saw it I thought “I want that book” I ordered the book and when I received it I was instantly in love - visually the book is beautiful, stunning and clear photos, simple font= perfect.
I had built up the book and Mary Jane so much in my head that I was nervous to try the patterns, you see Im usually the one designing my own crochet and have never followed a pattern without “tweaking” it to my taste - but with Mary Janes designs I didnt need to change them to suit me as they were perfect.
Mary jane writes with a simple flow - the directions are easy to follow and the patterns even more so, I decided it was time to test my upmost favorite project in the book… the hat… and oh what joy! the pattern was enjoyable and quick to build up in fact after just under two hours my hat was finished
image title
I was then on a roll and an hour later I had finished the slippers
image title
It is my opinion that Crochet that Fits is a book that each crocheter should own on their shelf - I know I will use it for years to come as the patterns are timeless..


  1. wow Mary Jane - thank you so much for this, to be honest Im shocked by the lovely things you have said - I admire you and your designs so much - thank you and God Bless

    ps- thank you for your lovely, lovely book

  2. I added that you are one of the nicest people that I have met on Ravelry, and that is so true, Neen :) I appreciate so much the things you have said about my book, Crochet That Fits, and for promoting it :) God bless you too!

  3. Neen is a fabulous person and I'm glad to have met her through Ravelry and blogging. Her creations are beautiful and I love her projects. Great feature! Looks like I need to add another book to my Amazon wishlist. :-)
