Friday, July 10, 2009

It's about time!

This is my very first blog and it's about time! I've had a website, , related to my crochet designing career for a few years now, but have been so busy working, that I just never took the time to start a blog. This is exciting to me and I'll try to post what's going on in my life as a designer and just life in general. For anyone interested, I am on Facebook as Mary Jane Perry Hall, and my Ravelry ID is maryjane2. You can also go to Flickr to see many photos of my designs. I'll post info and photos of my books soon!


  1. Great beginning of your blog, Mary Jane. I know you'll have fun with it!
    I'll start one when my children's book, 'Til the Cows Come Home, is released!

  2. Hi Maryjane
    Just wanted to let you know i got your book for my birthday and i am just in ore of you. I can't believe how inspired i am just from a few pages. (roll's my eye's at my self) The book i got was Crochet that fits.

    Any way i just wanted to say thank you for getting me off of afghans lol

    Justine :o)

  3. Hi Justine!

    Thanks so much for the kind words! Sorry I didn't see your comment til now. I'm trying to do better at posting on my blog. I've had a really rough 2 years.
